Friday, April 22, 2005

Earth Day!

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"The earth will continue to regenerate its life sources only as long as we and all the peoples of the world do our part to conserve its natural resources. It is a responsibility which every human being shares. Through voluntary action, each of us can join in building a productive land in harmony with nature."

President Gerald Ford


begins with v said...

the poor poor Earth, with all the stuff she has to put up with...I hope today is a good day for her!

annush said...

i was pushed away from gasoline a LONG time ago. I walk everywhere. I even avoid the subway!

Matt said...

Subways are fun... there's all sorts of crazies on them. I can't wait to get a digital camera so I can 'comment' about them.

Hopefully our children and our children's children don't inherit a wasteland of a planet thanks to our backward environmental policies.

F-ftOS said...

As I has mentioned in an earlier comment, I am not sure, if there will ever be a change for the better, until we have exhausted all the fuel from the core of the earth and polluted our precious environment. Its between economics and a tolerable present. Who wins is an obvious answer.

Anonymous said...

Today I am going to the park to rejuvenate. Being around nature lifts my spirits!

Edwin R said...

Ahhh... This is the perfect post for the perfect moment... It is about 6 in the morning and becuase we nurture these Trees that are dear to us, we have a 3 chirping Cardinals outside that won't let me go to sleep :)