Monday, October 24, 2005

Annush Crocker!

This weekend I wished I had my camera with me SO many times! a lot of things seemed picture worthy, and there I was, unprepared...

Saturday I woke up with this unexplainable urge to bake. I don't know where it came from all I know is that I was all about the cookies on this particular day and so I went through my recipes picked out a couple that looked appetizing (oatmeal pumpkin and ginger cookies) and I began doctoring them.

Currently, everyone I know is on a diet. Being the nutrition freak that I am, I've created meal plans for everyone in my immediate circle and in trying to be supportive, I guess you can say that I've been in one way or another dieting myself. Because I didn't want to be the one to mess up their diet and because I refuse to eat 50 obscenely unhealthy cookies by myself I turned my otherwise disgustingly fattening and unhealthy (as a result never baked) recipes into delicious guilt-free creations.

I intended to bake them on Saturday; however,
Miss Bracuta had me distracted all day long looking at engagement rings for her friend. Apparently friend's boyfriend is proposing and he had picked out a ring and needed approval. He got approval alright, but not of the enthusiastic variety. Bracuta thought it was too much bling, whereas I, who don't even know friend and HAD to put my two-cents in, thought that the setting was an exaggeration for the size of the stone and actually I just really didn't like it.

A ring like that would be reason enough for me to say no.

Like I've said before, I don't really think that I'll ever get married; however, if Prince Charming comes along and he wants to propose and he really thinks that I would say yes he better show up with
THE RING. If Prince Charming is poor or he really can't afford THE RING, then he has a better chance of me saying yes if he gives me a ring pop. Both would make me equally happy. All the stuff in the middle means nothing to me. I don't ever wear rings...I need motivation :)

Anyway, after we did that we went to see
The Washington Ballet. I was really stoked because one of their selections was Carmen and that has always been one of my favorites. It was great! During the intermission we found out that Hurricane Alpha had decided to head in our general direction and that kind of sucked. Luckily, though it was weak but it still flooded half of the city.

When I woke up yesterday and went to get my Sunday bagel it was a good thing I decided to take Ivan's SUV because otherwise I would have had serious trouble getting from my neck of the woods to the bagel shop and then back. So yeah, that little expedition thwarted any desire I may have had to leave my house at all yesterday so I just baked all afternoon.

My cookies came out fabulous! everyone loved them and they didn't believe me when I told them that they were organic, whole wheat, fat-free and dairy-free. Now they all think I've lost my mind; however, I'm okay with that. They are also thinking that I should sell my recipes to a particular healthy restaurant owner in the city.

*messge for Dan*


mrs. awesome said...

please post the recipe--YUM! :)

Anonymous said...

I never said that you couldn't, just that "we need to teach you more about cooking and baking!!" That implies that you may know the basics. Then again.... I'm a little scared by the organic fat free/Dairy free cookies. Doesn't it defeat the purpose of cookies if you're going to try to make them borderline healthy?

If you want a cookie have a cookie.

Oh, glad to hear that you are alright from your accident and the hurricane.

Ailyn said...

can i have a cookie too.... please!!!!
NY is not that far!

Mona Buonanotte said...

Recipe, please! I need stuff for Halloween parties! Gracias!

Grant said...

And to prove there is no such thing as guilt-free food:
Oh, those poor pumpkins. Needlessly slaughtered for your oven, you baker from hell. I'll be holding a prayer vigil for them tonight. And how many gingers did you kill for your little creations? :p

Pirate said...

Don't get to good at the domestic goddess stuff or they'll throw you in the slammer.

AVA said...

Your post made me hungry!
I love cooking, maybe we can cook together a very nice dinner when you come to Mexico and visit Wicked and I ;)

annush said...

Quinoa flour? Okay not even I would go THAT far...I used good old fashioned whole wheat flour and oats.
You can eat healthy and indulge too. I think it's worth it. There are only so many apples and canteloupes and pineapples and pears I can eat in a day...
And Coke kills (this includes diet Coke). Water is your friend :)