Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Deejays are not rockstars.

Sander Kleinenberg

I am back. Finally. Not that I was in a hurry to come back but a trip like the one I just had needed to come to an end quickly or risk me not ever coming back. Despite every setback we had, it was a wonderful trip.

I would like to tell you all about it; but to write a post about those specific three days would take me forever and I have neither the patience to write about it, nor would you have the patience to read it. I will tell you what I learned from it though:

1. Don't plan so much. Things will always take whatever course they want.
2. Despite your better judgement, certain people who shouldn't be sexy to you can totally be.
3. Reservations sometimes mean shit. Always have a backup plan.
4. You don't ever really know people until you travel with them.
5. The best party is the one you end up in by accident.
6. Miami can get REALLY fucking cold.
7. Like in NY or SD, it pays to know people.
8. There is such a thing as a US$25 vodka-soda.
9. The wind is a powerful force that can and will knock you over on your ass.
10. Girls, even when they are friends, are bitches and will if given the chance try to steal your guy.
11. You are not in Miami unless you visit one gay club.
12. Don't underestimate the cabby. He may have the equivalent of a pharmacy in his glove compartment.
13. Deejays are sexy.
14. Apparently mainstream drugs are legal in South Beach.
15. Upscale restaurants also have high quality drugs on their menu.
16. Fashionably late can really be too late.
17. If someone tries to boss you around stand your ground the first chance you get or you will be fucked for the entire time.
18. There is a reson why old good friends, no matter what, remain good friends.
19. Even the Starbucks people will look at you funny if you buy 27 biscotti.
20. Driving is a bitch.
21. Strangers really are friends you haven't met.

...and those are things I learned.

Now about Ultra...Ultra was so much fun!!!!! I danced the whole time. As usual, I found some interesting characters to make me laugh and try to put me up to doing things I wasn't into. I got to check out some kickass deejays (and Prodigy) and use one of the grosest portapotties I have ever seen. hahahaha. Accidentally on purpose I met yet another fellow blogger to whom I must apologize if I was somewhat bitchy and well. The only thing that sucked was that it was so cold I couldn't even exist properly. I think I must be the only person in the history of Ultra who has walked in with a cup full of tea (and I don't mean mushroom tea but good ole' zen).

I wonder where the next party is going to take me...

For pictures click


Libélula said...

Loca, 'tamo en Santo Domingo :(

Elliot said...

I go to Miami every year, and each year it gets a harder and more wretched edge. It's hot, mean, gaudy, gritty, and, oh yeah, one of the most intriguing, lush, lively, and sexiest cities on the freaking planet.

Cindy St. Onge said...

Truly, words to live by. Great post, Annush.

Libélula said...

Anon: I've actually seen her eat. She just likes to keeps it healthy.

annush said...


i can't believe this...too funny. I appreciate your concern anonymous and you sticking up for me Nat...
