Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Dietary dysfunction

So I came back from vacation with 4 additional pounds of puppy fat that I really could do I had this brilliant plan that involved me coming home and immediately start doing my yoga before work, eating like a normal human being and then proceeding to go the gym after work. Sounds easy enough, doesn't it? Just my luck, I've been tired beyond disbelief, the weather has been terrible, and now I have a temporary roommate imported straight from Italy, whose greatest joy in life is cooking stuff that I actually like, and who brought me chocolate covered goodies of just the right kind. Whatever will I do?? Just thinking about all of those things has shaken my resolve to quit smoking. I am going to need to get back to that online support group. I can feel it. Gabs seems to be in a funk today and her ultimate piece of wisdom for today (aside the whole let's move to an island, run it in a dictatorial fashion and ship off the people we don't like) is to say what we feel. Apparently she doesn't know that empires have fallen with less. Never did I think I would say this, but maybe mom was right... Not saying everything that you think really does save you a bit of frustration and heartache. So I don't think I'll be listening to her. There is a certain comfort in keeping to yourself things that won't necessarily make your life any easier if you admit them. If nothing else, it will make you more interesting. Oh the joys of game-playing...

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